
A crowd follows Margaret Craig's The Albatross onto San Antonio's Hays Street Bridge - Luminaria 2016

Luminaria 2016 – Hays Street Bridge

Margaret Craig exhibits The Albatross at Luminaria 2016 at San Antonio's Hays Street Bridge, a performance of her Great Trash Reef installation series.
Margaret Craig - Trash Reef Incarnation

Trash Reef Incarnation

The expanding trash reef and details - a bleached translucent section, marbled features, an anemone formed from a discarded yogurt bottle.
Margaret Craig - Outgrowth Box (blue, unlit)

Plasticene Creatures & Outgrowth Boxes

These creatures represent the Plasticene Epoch, a period of time currently unfolding as plastic refuse evolves into new life forms in inundated oceans.
Margaret Craig - Great Trash Reef - Detail

Great Trash Reef (Blue Star)

The Great Trash Reef synthesizes waste materials and salvage into alternative life forms. Gyre currents in the world's oceans accumulate trash into islands. Their predominant component is plastic, which breaks down into smaller neurostatic bits, or nurdles.

Burning Bones

These pieces were completed at a residency at Burning Bones press in Houston, Texas. They are a continuation on my meditation of the destruction and pollution of our oceans and the sea life evolving from the problem. Look for oil slicks, and driftwood and plastic bits, and even an etched selfie as I am tossed in the mix.…
Latte Topper Anenome detail

Berlin Plastic Art

An extension of my Berlin residency - alternative life forms evolved from plastic and recyclables.

The Great Trash Reef

These synthetic lifeforms represent life as it adapts to how we as humans disturb the environment.
Nurdles 5

Great Pacific Trash Vortex

Nurdles are microplastic particles in the environment broken down by mechanical forces like sunlight or waves. Here they emerge as new life forms.
Margaret Craig

Malleable Objects

Malleable Objects are creatures lifted from the sea to fall flat from lack of watery support, other worldly landscapes created for things that might exist.
Margaret Craig - Flats and Floaters 3

Flats & Floaters

Details and installation shots from my show at Gray Duck gallery in Austin, TX. Representations of the organic floating aliens also appear in the prints on the wall.
Luminous Image 2


Installation at San Antonio Luminaria 2011. Small life forms bud off from an alien infestation in an abandoned stairwell.