As the natural world struggles with this intrusion, the surface teems with life, where discarded materials gradually evolve into new forms of existence, both on land and in water.
Margaret Craig's performance, Creature from the Bleached Lagoon, references '50s B-movies and Japanese Kaiju, employing humor to illuminate the destruction of the environment.
Margaret Craig's Buried Connections explores the impact of the human presence on the environment from the Anthropocene to now through an archeological strata of cellulose and handmade prints.
Margaret Craig's Installation, Monsters in the Window, transformed the art space into a habitat for aquatic evolutions arising from the plastic trash disposed of in the oceans and other places.
The viewer is invited to immerse in the authentic and chimeric undersea biology resulting from the accumulation of trash in the ocean. SITE Gallery Houston, The Silos at Sawyer Yards.
The forms on the wall become islands of trash life as viewed from an airplane, a comment on the congregation of trash in the gyre current in the oceans or as it washes up on islands such as Midway to create a new type of island.
Margaret Craig’s Great Trash Reef installation evolved into a performance piece entitled The Albatross at Luminaria 2016 at San Antonio’s Carver Center.