Author name: mcraig-admin

Nurdles 5

Great Pacific Trash Vortex

Nurdles are microplastic particles in the environment broken down by mechanical forces like sunlight or waves. Here they emerge as new life forms.

The Yupo Matrix

Yupo and Watercolor Monotype

Materials: Yupo white 74lb smooth finish Gum Arabic Watercolors [Most Daniel Smith work very well, run a test with the colors before painting a masterpiece. No test needed for Lyra and Caran D’ache WC crayons, Pacific Arc WSG Graphite stick, Cretacolor Graphite Aquarelle pencils, watercolor markers] [Guache does not work, all wc media must be able to be re-wet][Metallics do not like to release.]…
Margaret Craig

Malleable Objects

Malleable Objects are creatures lifted from the sea to fall flat from lack of watery support, other worldly landscapes created for things that might exist.
The Print Booked show installation

Vine – a hanging book

The Print Booked took place at the New Orleans Center for Creative Arts galleries in conjunction with the SCG International Conference. Vine is a unique, variable dimensional, hanging book, created of tar gel etchings,epoxy, and re-purposed vacuum plastic, and wire.…
Little Fish Big Fish

Little Fish Big Fish

Margaret Craig was curated into the Southern Graphics Council International 2012-2013 Members Traveling Exhibition. The piece included was an artist book, Little Fish Big Fish. Made in 2011, materials include Tar Gel Etching, Epoxy and Acrylic. The show was curated by Frances Meyers and made its debut at the 2012 SCGI Conference in New Orleans.…

SAY Sí Gallery Week

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 6-9 PM: Opening Reception – GALLERY WEEK: Gallery Week brings together outstanding San Antonio art galleries in a partnership with SAY Sí for one special week in October. Artists represented by these galleries will have their work displayed in the SAY Sí Gallery and will be available for purchase. Work by Margaret Craig will be included.…
Margaret Craig - Flats and Floaters 3

Flats & Floaters

Details and installation shots from my show at Gray Duck gallery in Austin, TX. Representations of the organic floating aliens also appear in the prints on the wall.
Luminous Image 2


Installation at San Antonio Luminaria 2011. Small life forms bud off from an alien infestation in an abandoned stairwell.
Margaret Craig -contents volitile


A view of works from a solo show in 2009 where translucent organic images float on watery surfaces casting shadows as part of their imagery. Exotic blobs grow out of everyday objects.
margaret craig

Bone Cells

Translucent hands manipulate magnified substances to create a different environment. Blown up microscopic environments are shown dwelling on the fabric of the printed page.